T.D. Jakes Reveals He Suffered a Heart Attack in Viral Video

TD Jakes has revealed that he experienced a heart attack late last year. Full story below… The life-threatening medical emergency occurred while Jakes was delivering a sermon at The Potter’s House, the Christian megachurch in Dallas (where he serves as pastor). In the video, the 67-year-old is seen pausing his sermon,  » Read more about: T.D. Jakes Reveals He Suffered a Heart Attack in Viral Video  » The post T.D. Jakes Reveals He Suffered a Heart Attack in Viral Video appeared first on ..::That Grape Juice.net::.. - Thirsty?.

T.D. Jakes Reveals He Suffered a Heart Attack in Viral Video

TD Jakes has revealed that he experienced a heart attack late last year.

Full story below…

The life-threatening medical emergency occurred while Jakes was delivering a sermon at The Potter’s House, the Christian megachurch in Dallas (where he serves as pastor).

In the video, the 67-year-old is seen pausing his sermon, visibly shaking, as he lowers the microphone. Church officials quickly rush to his aid.

Speaking on the clip, which spread like wildfire, Jakes told the TODAY Show:

“I didn’t realize it was a heart attack because I didn’t have any of the symptoms they say to look for,’ he shared. No numbness, no sharp pain, nothing. I just kind of drifted off to sleep. I didn’t know what it was, but I almost died.”

The preacher admitted it’s difficult for him to watch the footage of the incident. He said:

“It’s hard for me to look at that video”

Watch the interview below:

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The post T.D. Jakes Reveals He Suffered a Heart Attack in Viral Video appeared first on ..::That Grape Juice.net::.. - Thirsty?.