Anita Baker Slams “Crazy” Babyface Fans in Twitter Rant: Call Off These “Online Bullies”
Anita Baker has thrown fresh fuel on the flames of her beef with Babyface. Or should we say his fans. As reported, the iconic songbird is on tour with the prolific music maestro (who is her special guest on the trek) and made headlines when she was accused by some of booting the R&B pioneer off of a particular date for reasons unknown. » Read more about: Anita Baker Slams “Crazy” Babyface Fans in Twitter Rant: Call Off These “Online Bullies” » The post Anita Baker Slams “Crazy” Babyface Fans in Twitter Rant: Call Off These “Online Bullies” appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.

Anita Baker has thrown fresh fuel on the flames of her beef with Babyface. Or should we say his fans.
As reported, the iconic songbird is on tour with the prolific music maestro (who is her special guest on the trek) and made headlines when she was accused by some of booting the R&B pioneer off of a particular date for reasons unknown.
Babyface clarified that his announcement of his absence from said date wasn’t him throwing “shade” Baker, but rather a case of simply explaining why he wouldn’t be performing that night.
Still, it hasn’t stopped folk from taking aim at the ‘Caught Up in the Rapture’ songstress.
And it appears that today she had time to clap back at what she is calling targeted harassment and attacks.
See what we mean below…
Replying to a comment that questioned why Babyface was labelled a “support act,” Baker snapped:
“Dearest one. You are Not, privy to *The Contracts*. Yes, Babyface is Special Guest❤️/Support Act, on My Tour. This False Narrative, of A Co-headliner is creating Unrealistic Expectations & Aggression, from his fans towards me. He should tell you guys, the Truth”
As the critical remarks poured in, the 65-year-old continued:
“As you can see… Some of his fans, are Not accepting of the Reality, that he is Contracted, as Special Guest/Support, on My Tour Some even want to hurt me… Crazyyyy. Town.”
When her previous legal woes were brought up, Baker wrote:
“Good Morning, to…Kenny’s Crazies, who continue to Harrass.”
“Kenny’s Crazies are online Bullies. @Babyface Please call off, your fans. I have been Only Kind and Supportive, of You, as the Special Guest/Support, on My Tour ABXO????”
There’s more. Again clapping back at those drawing on her past legal drama, she said:
“I Fought & WON???? that Case tOO! 20 YEARS Ago????And NOW, i’m More Successful Than EVER???????? it does’nt Diminish @Babyface , Mngr Conracted, as My Special Guest/Support Act, to HELP Expose, him 2 My Arena Size Fan Base… It HELPs Him… Bye, to Kenny’s Creepy Crazies”
Concluding (for now), Baker got even more direct with her digs:
“There is A White man, behind these Grown Black Men… harrassing Me & Gaslighting, My Fans. Because he Cant take over, this Tour… sO? He wants to Destroy it. Kenny’s Crazy Narcissist @Babyface call off, your Boys”
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The post Anita Baker Slams “Crazy” Babyface Fans in Twitter Rant: Call Off These “Online Bullies” appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.