TGJ Roundtable: Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Review

Welcome to the latest TGJ Roundtable! Over the years, That Grape Juice has established a distinguished voice that – whether loved or loathed – sparks discussion, debate, and on occasion drama! Though comprised of seasoned writers who share a similar outlook on Urban Pop culture, the idiosyncrasies of the TGJ team members often lend for quite heated debates “behind the scenes” about the hottest topics.  » Read more about: TGJ Roundtable: Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Review  » The post TGJ Roundtable: Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Review appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.

TGJ Roundtable: Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Review

Welcome to the latest
TGJ Roundtable!

Over the years, That Grape Juice has established a distinguished voice that – whether loved or loathed – sparks discussion, debate, and on occasion drama!

Though comprised of seasoned writers who share a similar outlook on Urban Pop culture, the idiosyncrasies of the TGJ team members often lend for quite heated debates “behind the scenes” about the hottest topics.

Now, we give you a front-row seat to the show. In a format similar to ‘The View’ and your favorite panel shows, TGJ editors – Sam, Rashad, Joe, and Ryan – get real in a very candid way.

Today’s roundtable topic asks each anchor their thoughts on…

Rihanna’s Super Bowl Halftime Show


I’m torn.

But before delving into the thick of it, let’s quickly scene-set.

With her last couple of albums and eras, Rihanna finally cemented herself as more than an annual hit vendor – she morphed into a credible artist and performer. Impressive given how much the latter, especially, had eluded her on her ascend.

As such, heading into the Super Bowl, I actually had lofty expectations. Because RiRi’s undeniable improvements (see: VMAs Vanguard showing etc) along with the Super Bowl’s penchant for bringing out the best in most, made this feel like a magic pairing.

Unfortunately, it didn’t quite deliver. And, while there’s seemingly a very fair reason why (congrats on baby #2), it doesn’t quite quell my disappointment.

For the entire performance, I felt as though I was waiting for it to actually start. It was all too…one note. The clever camera work and levitation could only lift it so far.

Dynamite choreo and Olympic-like agility may more so reside in the arsenal of her Super Bowl predecessors like Beyonce, Gaga, and J.Lo, but there was so much missed opportunity in the creative that would have seen RiRi easily shine in her own way. Pregnant and all.

Given Ms. Fenty’s Caribbean roots, I anticipated a huge carnival of sorts. It’s an angle that is unique to “her” and would have visually, sonically, and thematically set her Halftime Show apart from anyone else’s. I wanted to see the bogle, the butterfly, steel pans, and the whole field bussing a whine!

Furthermore, surely the logistics of Rih being pregnant should have opened the door for a stacked array of special guests? A ”Rihanna & Friends” format would have worked infinitely better on many fronts. From pacing to variety to the visual.

All of that said, kudos are most certainly due to the megastar for pressing on with the gig. Doing a little math and guesstimation, it seems as though she would have learned about her pregnancy after booking the ‘Bowl. Postponing could easily have been an option, but she pressed on. And that, at the very least, is commendable.

Overall, though, the fact that there’s more to be said about what “could” have been rather than what “was” says it all.



Great gowns, beautiful gowns. That’s it; that’s the review. While I’ll be the first to admit Rihanna’s showing was far from a bomb or a fail, it certainly did not take advantage of a Super Bowl-sized stage and platform. It was not an A-game performance nor was it even the best she could do (given her history and reputation of being a lazy performer). Defenders will point to her pregnancy as an excuse for why this halftime show wasn’t all it could be, but that’s definitely a copout. Last year’s Super Bowl is hailed as one of the greatest and it didn’t have a tenth of what was going on with Rih’s.

It was pretty obvious 2 minutes into the Rihanna performance that what we were seeing was going to be the depth and breadth of it; no more energy, no different staging, nothing. Just 100 dancers attempt to distract from the fact that the centerpiece wasn’t doing much of anything.

The setlist omitted clear and obvious fan favorites (‘SOS,’ ‘Disturbia,’ etc.) in place of questionable songs like ‘Pour It Up,’ ‘B*tch Better Have My Money,’ ‘All of the Lights,’ etc. Lastly, while I get this comeback moment was supposed to be all hers, never could a Super Bowl show have benefitted more from a featured guest than this.

Super Bowl performances like Rihanna’s make me wish everyone would go back in time and give apologies to previously slammed performers like The Weeknd, Justin Timberlake, and Katy Perry. Not because their Super Bowl showings were so amazing (they weren’t), but because they actually brought their respective versions of “A-game” to those showings. They took advantage of the platform and gave you a super-sized version of whatever they would offer elsewhere.

Rihanna did not up the ante. If anything, we’ll likely forget this show ever happened.



A very pleasant watch.

Fantastic staging and choreography, incredible song selection, and a glowing RiRi.

Was it the best halftime performance? It wasn’t.

Rihanna has always been praised for her cool and natural charisma whether than her stage-blazing ways, and that’s exactly what she served yesterday: swag, sauce, and style.

Having said all of this, it’s still “that Rihanna reign just won’t let up” season, or so it seems judging by the majority of the media.
Also, it’s worth noting that even with that jam-packed setlist, we weren’t even halfway through Robyn’s catalog of hits.

With seemingly nothing to promote on the horizon – at least music-wise – this now stands as a firm reminder of the chokehold she once had on the music industry, but also a warning for a near future when she’s ready to put on her pop star hat again. Be prepared!



I’m not sure if there has been more hype for a modern artist to make a grand return than there was for Rihanna. When it was announced that she was going to headline the Super Bowl, I was shocked to some degree. We hadn’t heard a peep from her musically in years, with her last album coming out when I was in high school.

So, big things were expected for sure. But was Rihanna able to deliver? Well, yes and no.

First of all, Rihanna has never been a performer-performer. Yes, she does some dance moves and a little choreography, but that is about it. So, I wasn’t expecting a grand show and at least she proved me right.

No tea, no shade, but people do not come to watch Rihanna perform, they come to hear the hits and on that part she did deliver.

Few artists have as stacked of a catalog as hers, let alone the global impact she has.

However, there is one thing that this performance proved and it’s that she is a fashion mogul at this point with a greatest hits catalog.

Here’s to hoping we get a start-studded show next year.


Do you agree with our picks? Who was spot on? Let us know your thoughts on the latest TGJ Roundtable and your thoughts on  Rihanna’s Super Bowl Halftime Show.

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[Photo Via: NFL / Getty]

The post TGJ Roundtable: Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Review appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.