Steve Lacy on “Coming Out” About Sexuality: “I Think It’s Silly”

Steve Lacy has carved out quite the space for himself in the music industry, recently rocketing to #1 with mainstream breakthrough ‘Bad Habit.’ And while much of the spotlight has been centered on his artistry, his sexuality was scrutinized during the promotion of his debut project ‘Steve Lacy’s Demo.’ Casually speaking with fans on Tumblr at the time,  » Read more about: Steve Lacy on “Coming Out” About Sexuality: “I Think It’s Silly”  » The post Steve Lacy on “Coming Out” About Sexuality: “I Think It’s Silly” appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.

Steve Lacy on “Coming Out” About Sexuality: “I Think It’s Silly”

Steve Lacy has carved out quite the space for himself in the music industry, recently rocketing to #1 with mainstream breakthrough ‘Bad Habit.’

And while much of the spotlight has been centered on his artistry, his sexuality was scrutinized during the promotion of his debut project ‘Steve Lacy’s Demo.’

Casually speaking with fans on Tumblr at the time, he was quizzed on whether he would date a man. His reply, “sure, why not,” ignited a wave of headlines to the tune of “Steve Lacy Comes Out as Bisexual.”

The flames were intensified in a less favorable direction when, in a further response on the same thread, Lacy (whose Mom is Afro-American and Father is d Filipino) said the following about dating Black men:

“I’m just not attracted to Black boys. … I still love them and want them to do well in life, we just won’t date.”

In the time since, the attention of the masses has been more centered on Lacy’s musical output.

However, in a new Variety feature, he doesn’t shy away from the topic at large.

Full story below…

On the initial “coming out,” Lacy said in the publication’s Power of Young Hollywood issue:

“But I didn’t really come out. I didn’t try to — it just kinda happened. I don’t care to announce who I’m into sexually. I think it’s silly. I never felt like I needed to come out.”

Unpacking his decision to not install himself as the voice of his orientation, the 25-year-old added:

“I never care to speak for anyone else, because I think all of our experiences are so different from each other. I guess I have a selfish perspective of myself in the world, and I’m just expressing myself. I’m not necessarily doing things for other people to feel good about themselves.”

With that, what are…

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[Photo Credit: Variety / Eric Ray Davidson]

The post Steve Lacy on “Coming Out” About Sexuality: “I Think It’s Silly” appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.