Nicki Minaj Appears to SLAM Megan Thee Stallion: “Every Album She Released FLOPPED”
Nicki Minaj has thrown fuel on her fiery feud with Megan Thee Stallion. Because fresh from the Hot Girl Coach unleashing a ‘Hiss’ heard around the world (and clearly around Onika’s sides), the Rap royal has sounded off. Full story below… Taking not-so-veiled aim at the Houston native, » Read more about: Nicki Minaj Appears to SLAM Megan Thee Stallion: “Every Album She Released FLOPPED” » The post Nicki Minaj Appears to SLAM Megan Thee Stallion: “Every Album She Released FLOPPED” appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.

Nicki Minaj has thrown fuel on her fiery feud with Megan Thee Stallion.
Because fresh from the Hot Girl Coach unleashing a ‘Hiss’ heard around the world (and clearly around Onika’s sides), the Rap royal has sounded off.
Full story below…
Taking not-so-veiled aim at the Houston native, Minaj unboxed a wave of praise for herself while seemingly slamming Megan’s…everything.
From album sales to the recent ‘Color Purple’ contribution to a seeming reference to Meg’s ‘Mean Girls’ collab with Reneé Rapp, Minaj unleashed a venom of her own.
Peep an excerpt:
“if your last 5-10 releases flopped…
If The internet checks don’t clear outside in real life.
If all the paid blogs & paid tweets = flop after flop after FLOP album…
Did y’all run up that “Barbie World” song they tried? ????It’s bubbling under this week. Video & all and didn’t crack the HOT 100. It’s a BUB.
They losing so much money with BF…ain’t generate not one penny of a profit yet & claim she went to college but can’t read her contract …?
Another manipulation so she can kick ppl to the curb after they helped her.
Did y’all run up her color purple song? Nope.
Huge vmas performance [big video] = flop.
Every album she’s ever released= flopped. Paid media all the time.
Fraudulent awards = flopped. Horrible ACTOR that can’t cry on cue ???????????? don’t try to act bookie it’s a chop.
Pathological & manipulative liar.
Using ghost writers & still SUCK. So it’s not me, y’all. I would never. I’m a classy lil rich lady. Immigrant to a BOSS. the American Dream… Its…well it’s just that…”
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