Did You Miss It? Lil Baby Slams Gay Sex Tape Rumors: “My Last Time Addressing Dumb A** Clickbait”

‘In a Minute’ hitmaker Lil Baby had time Sunday night (October 22) to respond to rumors that he is the star of a sex tape that shows a lookalike giving a jaw-dropping performance rocking the mic. Taking to his Instagram over the weekend, Lil Baby (born Dominique Jones) made he clear he was not the man in the now-viral gay sex video providing oral copulation to another male.  » Read more about: Did You Miss It? Lil Baby Slams Gay Sex Tape Rumors: “My Last Time Addressing Dumb A** Clickbait”  » The post Did You Miss It? Lil Baby Slams Gay Sex Tape Rumors: “My Last Time Addressing Dumb A** Clickbait” appeared first on ..::That Grape Juice.net::.. - Thirsty?.

Did You Miss It? Lil Baby Slams Gay Sex Tape Rumors: “My Last Time Addressing Dumb A** Clickbait”

‘In a Minute’ hitmaker Lil Baby had time Sunday night (October 22) to respond to rumors that he is the star of a sex tape that shows a lookalike giving a jaw-dropping performance rocking the mic.

Taking to his Instagram over the weekend, Lil Baby (born Dominique Jones) made he clear he was not the man in the now-viral gay sex video providing oral copulation to another male.

“Y’all gotta stop using my name and likeness when y’all get bored, then the extremes mfs go to for clout is sick [angry face emojis]!! Ain’t no mystery in my history on NO LEVEL,” he shared. “This my last time addressing any kind of dumb a** click bait. Tf is wrong wit y’all [facepalm emoji]. No flaws, no cap in my raps.”

Here’s hoping the commentary puts to rest the ridicule the 28-year-old has faced as a result of the XXX-rated clip.

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The post Did You Miss It? Lil Baby Slams Gay Sex Tape Rumors: “My Last Time Addressing Dumb A** Clickbait” appeared first on ..::That Grape Juice.net::.. - Thirsty?.