Bad Bunny Sues Fan for Posting Concert Videos on YouTube

Bad Bunny has hatched a lawsuit against a fan, who posted videos of a recent concert of his online. Full story below… According to TMZ, the hitmaker has hit a man named Eric Guillermo Madronal Garrone with a fiery suit for posting long-form footage of his February 21 concert in Salt Lake City.  » Read more about: Bad Bunny Sues Fan for Posting Concert Videos on YouTube  » The post Bad Bunny Sues Fan for Posting Concert Videos on YouTube appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.

Bad Bunny Sues Fan for Posting Concert Videos on YouTube

Bad Bunny has hatched a lawsuit against a fan, who posted videos of a recent concert of his online.

Full story below…

According to TMZ, the hitmaker has hit a man named Eric Guillermo Madronal Garrone with a fiery suit for posting long-form footage of his February 21 concert in Salt Lake City.

Garrone stands accused of sharing videos  – including full performances – of Bad Bunny’s show on his YouTube channel, MADforliveMUSIC.

Per the suit, the 29-year-old is seeking an injunction barring Garrone from sharing the videos online — as well as either $150,000 for each of the videos posted or any actual damages he can prove that he incurred by way of the postings.

Within the filing, Bad Bunny asserts that he owns the rights to the music in the performances and did not grant rights for Garrone’s usage in any capacity. He stresses that Garrone’s unauthorized actions redirect views (and in turn ad revenue) away from his YouTube channel – thus the losses.

Before proceeding with the suit, the Latin music sensation made a formal complaint with YouTube, which temporarily resulted in the removal of the videos. However, they were restored when Garrone filed an appeal.


The outcome of the dispute will no doubt prove interesting, as the sharing of concert footage online from paying concert-goers has been a fairly standard fare and arguably serves to promote the show itself.

At the same time, with more and more artists going the concert film route and finding lucrative means of leveraging live show footage, it figures why there could be complications and irritations attached to said footage being freely available online.

With that, what are…

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The post Bad Bunny Sues Fan for Posting Concert Videos on YouTube appeared first on ..::That Grape - Thirsty?.