Russell Wilson Claims He Worked Out The Entire Flight to London and Did High Knees on The Plane While His Teammates Tried to Sleep

Has anyone become more unlikeable in such a short period than Russell Wilson? Channing Crowder was right. This has nothing to do with him being a great father and husband; you can be those things and still be an utterly annoying cornball. Wilson always finds a way to make it about him, even after he […]

Russell Wilson Claims He Worked Out The Entire Flight to London and Did High Knees on The Plane While His Teammates Tried to Sleep
Russell Wilson Claims He Worked Out The Entire Flight to London and Did High Knees on The Plane While His Teammates Tried to Sleep
Has anyone become more unlikeable in such a short period than Russell Wilson? Channing Crowder was right. This has nothing to do with him being a great father and husband; you can be those things and still be an utterly annoying cornball. Wilson always finds a way to make it about him, even after he […]