Aaron Rodgers Lashes Out at Jeremy Ruckert in an Epic Rant : F****** Mistakes in One D*** Drive

This is a little tale of one of the greatest Outburst ever coz of a dropped ball . Veteran Aaron Roders lashed out at rookie Jeremy Ruckert in sublime fashion much to the awe of listening audience . Usually Aaron Rodgers comes across as a happy go lucky guy who jokes around and banters all […]

Aaron Rodgers Lashes Out at Jeremy Ruckert in an Epic Rant : F****** Mistakes in One D*** Drive
This is a little tale of one of the greatest Outburst ever coz of a dropped ball . Veteran Aaron Roders lashed out at rookie Jeremy Ruckert in sublime fashion much to the awe of listening audience . Usually Aaron Rodgers comes across as a happy go lucky guy who jokes around and banters all […]