Ouch! Nelly & Carrie Underwood Suffer Streaming SLUMPS After Trump Inauguration Performance Backlash
‘Jesus Take the Wheel‘ hitmaker Carrie Underwood saw streams driven in the opposite of the desired direction after her headline-grabbing performance at Donald Trump‘s inauguration on Monday (January 20). And, industry analysts are reporting she wasn’t the only one hit with the downtick. As reported here, » Read more about: Ouch! Nelly & Carrie Underwood Suffer Streaming SLUMPS After Trump Inauguration Performance Backlash » The post Ouch! Nelly & Carrie Underwood Suffer Streaming SLUMPS After Trump Inauguration Performance Backlash appeared first on ..::That Grape Juice.net::.. - Thirsty?.

‘Jesus Take the Wheel‘ hitmaker Carrie Underwood saw streams driven in the opposite of the desired direction after her headline-grabbing performance at Donald Trump‘s inauguration on Monday (January 20).
And, industry analysts are reporting she wasn’t the only one hit with the downtick.
As reported here, the 8x GRAMMY winner may have managed to power past a music malfunction at Trump’s inauguration on Monday (January 20) while performing the historic number ‘America the Beautiful’ but she couldn’t power past the mountain of backlash she received from some LGBTQ+ fans for performing at the gig.
While inaugurations of the past saw sales and streaming activity of its performers increase after the high-profile event, Underwood’s did not.
Fellow performer Nelly – who also endured backlash for his participation – suffered a similar fate.
“Although both the former ‘American Idol’ winner and the St. Louis rapper made headlines for their performances connected to the inauguration, neither experienced much movement in their daily streaming totals as a result. Underwood’s catalog earned 1.46 million U.S. on-demand streams on Monday, down nearly 6% from the previous Monday (1.55 million on Jan. 13), according to Luminate. Nelly’s streaming catalog was also down 5%, from 1.63 million on Jan. 13 to 1.54 million on Inauguration Day,” wrote Billboard.
All wasn’t completely lost, however.
The embattled duo did enjoy very modest upticks in sales in the days that followed their respective showings as each act gained a couple hundred extra daily downloads (although never posting more than 1,000 downloads for the days after the inauguration).
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