Watch: Yaz Wilkerson carves her lane in board sports

“Barrier Breakers” is back, with the latest episode focusing on board sport enthusiast and activist Yaz Wilkerson. For Women’s History […] The post Watch: Yaz Wilkerson carves her lane in board sports appeared first on TheGrio.

Watch: Yaz Wilkerson carves her lane in board sports

“Barrier Breakers” is back, with the latest episode focusing on board sport enthusiast and activist Yaz Wilkerson.

For Women’s History Month, theGrio is celebrating the achievements of women and gender-expansive folks in niche communities. In this episode of “Barrier Breakers,” we profile Yaz Wilkerson, a snowboarder, skateboarder, and surfer who uses meditative and other wellness practices to sharpen their skills as well as foster communities in each sport.

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The post Watch: Yaz Wilkerson carves her lane in board sports appeared first on TheGrio.