Watch: Sex, love and marriage

A special Valentine’s Day episode of “theGrio with Marc Lamont Hill” for all of you who love love! The spirit […] The post Watch: Sex, love and marriage appeared first on TheGrio.

Watch: Sex, love and marriage

A special Valentine’s Day episode of “theGrio with Marc Lamont Hill” for all of you who love love!

The spirit of love is in the air this Valentine’s Day. Here, we have a special episode of “theGrio with Marc Lamont Hill” for all of you — whether you’re going out on a date tonight, staying inside by yourself, or hanging out with friends. Demetri Wiley, artist and host of the Lost Loverboy podcast, and Gigi Fong, sex and dating editor and podcast producer for Hypebae, join us on the show to talk marriage, sex life, gender roles and all things love!

Learn more about sex, love and marriage from the clip below, and tune into “theGrio with Marc Lamont Hill” tonight at 7 p.m. ET on theGrio cable channel.

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The post Watch: Sex, love and marriage appeared first on TheGrio.