Logged out of Netflix? Password sharing is over.

Netflix began to notify users across the United States that their ability to share passwords had come to and end. The end of a nostalgic era—and potentially Netflix and chill as we know it.

Logged out of Netflix? Password sharing is over.
Netflix Password

Netflix began to notify users across the United States that their ability to share passwords had come to and end. The end of a nostalgic era—and potentially Netflix and chill as we know it.

What We Know:

  • Netflix said it began alerting customers that their password sharing days were over.
  • In an email to members, the streamer said: “Your Netflix account is for you and the people you live with – your household.”
  • Members can transfer a profile of someone outside of their household so that the person can begin a membership they pay for on their own. Or they can pay an extra fee – $7.99 a month – per person.

“Your Netflix account is for you and the people you live with – your household,” the company said in an email, which it posted to its blog on Tuesday.

On Netflix’s subscription plans page, it notes that extra members can be added to its standard and premium plans without ads. Netflix warned it would be tightening its guidelines on password sharing in a push to boost revenue and subscriber numbers, soon after the company began seeing growth stall.

This article was originally posted at BLK ALERTS.