Judge Threatens to Put Wendy Williams in Stricter Facility After Speaking Out

The judge in Wendy Williams’ guardianship case is fed up with Wendy’s “behavior” … and wants her moved to another facility … presumably with even tighter restrictions. Williams’ guardianship judge is threatening the former media personality with even more restrictions after the star came forward to expose her facility’s conditions. Now, Judge Lisa Sokoloff wants [...] Read More... from Judge Threatens to Put Wendy Williams in Stricter Facility After Speaking Out The post Judge Threatens to Put Wendy Williams in Stricter Facility After Speaking Out appeared first on LOVEBSCOTT.

Judge Threatens to Put Wendy Williams in Stricter Facility After Speaking Out

The judge in Wendy Williams’ guardianship case is fed up with Wendy’s “behavior” … and wants her moved to another facility … presumably with even tighter restrictions.

Williams’ guardianship judge is threatening the former media personality with even more restrictions after the star came forward to expose her facility’s conditions.

Now, Judge Lisa Sokoloff wants Williams moved to another facility.

“I have always contended that [Wendy] will be given the independence she can handle,” Sokoloff wrote in an email obtained by TMZ. “I question how well she has handled the independence she has been given.”

Williams began to tear up when she heard the news, and said she’d “keep it PG” despite wanting to say a few choice words about the situation.

“Giving me a more restrictive environment? What could be more restrictive than the Coterie?” she asked during an appearance on TMZ Live Wednesday, referencing the Manhattan residential facility that she’s previously called a “prison.”

“What is going on with the judge speaking to me in that way?” the 60-year-old asked.

TMZ reporters told Williams that she was being treated like a “petulant child,” which she agreed with. When asked if she was concerned about being moved, she got emotional.

“Don’t make me start crying,” she said. “It makes me very very nervous…I’m scared of that.”

Williams added that she didn’t know what could possibly be more restrictive than her current living environment.

“I have to get out of [guardianship] and I have to do it immediately,” she added.

She also sounded overwhelmed at any suggestion that she could roam freely. “They’re lying! They’re lying! That’s a lie, that’s a lie,” she said, adding that her guardian has to specifically permit even her closest family members to see her.

Sokoloff has been under investigation for receiving nearly $6,000 in campaign donations from 2019-2022 from 20 guardianship lawyers, law firms, or people who deal with guardianship cases and awarded those same individuals 62 appointments in 2022.

She claims that she cannot leave the 5th floor without an attendant and rarely gets outside. She also said she has no access to the internet or phone calls and can almost never see visitors.

She was placed in the facility after being diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, which can cause memory loss.

Williams was taken to the hospital earlier this week after dropping a note saying, “Help! Wendy!” and frantically waving from her window.

She’s told the media that she’s not mentally incompetent and should not be in a guardianship, a legal arrangement where a court gives one person—in this case, Sabrina Morrissey—the legal right to make decisions for someone like Williams.

But despite her claims—and the fact she recently aced a cognitive test—Sokoloff wants to cut back on even more of Williams’ freedoms. TMZ reported that the judge is fed up with Williams’ behavior and her tendency to spill the secrets about her situation to the media. Sokoloff has allegedly told Williams not to speak to the media at all.

“Tell your client that if she wants a jury she should refrain from trying to poison the jury pool,” Sokoloff said in another email, frustrated that Williams began revealing her opinions.

Williams is staying at Lenox Hill Hospital while doctors run tests.

“The hospital wants to discharge her. Ms. Morrissey [the guardian] has facilities who, despite her behavior, are willing to assess her,” Sokoloff wrote. “She needs to go back to the Coterie until a new facility can be found.”

Williams’ “behavior” should not be punished, people close to Williams told TMZ. They added that Sokoloff’s suggestions were “pure retaliation for Wendy speaking up for herself to get out of an abusive guardianship.”

Morrissey’s lawyer told TMZ in a letter that the media’s reports on Williams’ conditions were ‘untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or misleading.” The lawyer added that Williams is receiving “excellent medical care” and that her facility has a workout room, spa, dining room, outside terraces, and excellent food. Williams has also traveled to Florida twice to spend time with family, the lawyer claimed.

“False statements about Ms. Williams, her condition, and the guardianship harm Ms. Williams and her interests,” the lawyer wrote.

Morrissey is a court-appointed guardian who has only been paid once and given $300,000, according to her lawyer. She oversees 23 other guardianship cases. She was given responsibility over Williams’ 24-year-old son, who has since called out Morrissey for poorly handling the case.

Williams was placed in the conservatorship in 2022 after her bank claimed that she was incapacitated and described her as a “victim of undue influence and financial exploitation.” Her show, The Wendy Williams Show, abruptly ended after 14 years.

The Daily Beast has reached out to Sokoloff for comment.

via: Daily Beast

The post Judge Threatens to Put Wendy Williams in Stricter Facility After Speaking Out appeared first on LOVEBSCOTT.