WWE Sued For Making Black Wrestlers Portray Racially Stereotypical Characters

WWE boss Vince McMahon is in hot waters as he has been hit with a bias lawsuit over scripts. What would be of this lawsuit? Well, the New York Post got it all covered; World Wrestling Entertainment ordered up racially-tinged plot lines for its scripted matches that included having a Muslim wrestler admit he was […]

WWE Sued For Making Black Wrestlers Portray Racially Stereotypical Characters
WWE Sued For Making Black Wrestlers Portray Racially Stereotypical Characters
WWE boss Vince McMahon is in hot waters as he has been hit with a bias lawsuit over scripts. What would be of this lawsuit? Well, the New York Post got it all covered; World Wrestling Entertainment ordered up racially-tinged plot lines for its scripted matches that included having a Muslim wrestler admit he was […]