Robert Griffin III Trashes ESPN And Other Sports Networks For Discussing Politics

So, you know how these sports networks are always talking about politics especially after Donald Trump was sworn into office? Yes, well, Robert Griffin III has had enough of it! He recently went on a rant, trashing ESPN and all the other networks for bringing politics into sports. And honestly, I can’t blame him. I […] The post Robert Griffin III Trashes ESPN And Other Sports Networks For Discussing Politics appeared first on BlackSportsOnline.

Robert Griffin III Trashes ESPN And Other Sports Networks For Discussing Politics

So, you know how these sports networks are always talking about politics especially after Donald Trump was sworn into office? Yes, well, Robert Griffin III has had enough of it! He recently went on a rant, trashing ESPN and all the other networks for bringing politics into sports. And honestly, I can’t blame him. I mean, when I tune into a game, I just want to listen to some good analysis, not hear a bunch of talking heads spewing their political opinions.

It’s like, can we just have one place where we can escape from all the political noise? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just want to take a break and enjoy some sports without getting bombarded with all this political drama.

Robert who is tired of these sports networks getting into the political discussions instead of sports hopped on X and wrote, “Sports shows on TV should be about sports, not politics.”

But hey, what do I know? Maybe some people like hearing about politics while tuned into a sports network. To each their own, I guess. But for those of us who just want sports to be sports, it’s nice to see someone like Griffin speaking out about it. So, big kudos to him for not being afraid to say what many of us are thinking.

Flip to the next page for Robert Griffin III’s tweet…

The post Robert Griffin III Trashes ESPN And Other Sports Networks For Discussing Politics appeared first on BlackSportsOnline.