Michael Irvin Has Three Witnesses Willing to Testify He Did Nothing Wrong to Marriott Female Employee

Michael Irvin has gotten three people to testify in court that they witnessed his interaction with the unnamed Mariot hotel employee accusing him of misconduct. These three people were named in his court filing to solidify his case. According to PFT; At a time when Marriott apparently is keeping relevant evidence close to the vest, […]

Michael Irvin Has Three Witnesses Willing to Testify He Did Nothing Wrong to Marriott Female Employee
Michael Irvin Has Three Witnesses Willing to Testify He Did Nothing Wrong to Marriott Female Employee
Michael Irvin has gotten three people to testify in court that they witnessed his interaction with the unnamed Mariot hotel employee accusing him of misconduct. These three people were named in his court filing to solidify his case. According to PFT; At a time when Marriott apparently is keeping relevant evidence close to the vest, […]