How The Woman Responsible For The Shooting That Injured 2 Women During Friday’s White Sox Game Snuck The Gun Into The Stadium By Hiding It Under Fat Folds In Her Stomach

This is one of the strangest developments to a story in a long time. A few days ago, gunshots were reported at Guaranteed Rate Field while the White Sox were playing the A’s and two women were injured. One of the women were hit in the leg and went to the hospital while the other […]

How The Woman Responsible For The Shooting That Injured 2 Women During Friday’s White Sox Game Snuck The Gun Into The Stadium By Hiding It Under Fat Folds In Her Stomach
This is one of the strangest developments to a story in a long time. A few days ago, gunshots were reported at Guaranteed Rate Field while the White Sox were playing the A’s and two women were injured. One of the women were hit in the leg and went to the hospital while the other […]