Exclusive: Jess Glynne Talks New Single ‘What Do You Do’, Upcoming Album, Signing With Roc Nation, & More
Jess Glynne is opening up like never before.Hot on the promotional trail for her latest single, ‘What Do You Do?,’ the singer-songwriter talked with That Grape Juice about the song, her creative process, her upcoming album, and so much more.Join us below to see what she had to say about these topics and so much more… That Grape Juice (Ryan): You previously released a single ‘Silly Me,’ how do you think ‘What Do You Do’ differs from that and is there a story you are trying to tell by sharing these two singles first? » Read more about: Exclusive: Jess Glynne Talks New Single ‘What Do You Do’, Upcoming Album, Signing With Roc Nation, & More » The post Exclusive: Jess Glynne Talks New Single ‘What Do You Do’, Upcoming Album, Signing With Roc Nation, & More appeared first on ..::That Grape Juice.net::.. - Thirsty?.

Jess Glynne is opening up like never before.
Hot on the promotional trail for her latest single, ‘What Do You Do?,’ the singer-songwriter talked with That Grape Juice about the song, her creative process, her upcoming album, and so much more. Join us below to see what she had to say about these topics and so much more…
That Grape Juice (Ryan): You previously released a single ‘Silly Me,’ how do you think ‘What Do You Do’ differs from that and is there a story you are trying to tell by sharing these two singles first?
Jess Glynne: There’s always a story. There’s always a story that I want to tell. I think ‘Silly Me’ was quite an important record for me. It was one I wrote quite early on in the process of this album. And I feel the messaging was perfect for me to release coming back, after such a long time. I think it outlined life a little bit for me. And then I think this process of releasing music is definitely different. Just because obviously, I’m in a different space, I’m in a different place in my life. I think these songs both have messages that feel very close to home for me. ‘What Do You Do’ is the song that makes me feel so good. But it’s also got this confused lyrical state to it which I quite like.
That Grape Juice: ‘What Do You Do?’ provides quite the juxtaposition with its emotional lyrics and upbeat production, was your intention to find some catharsis in the pain, or do you simply just like making these kinds of records?
Jess Glynne: I know! So basically, I guess with my songwriting process, I always write from the heart. Whatever it is that I’m going through, whatever I’m feeling, everything’s very personal. And I think the thing that I love about ‘What Do You Do?’ is that, we all are on that journey of searching for love, be that love with someone, self-love, friendships, life. And I think we all go through the same emotions. And I think there’s always a feeling– hard to address that braveness in whatever it is that you do. It could be a relationship, it could be work, whatever it is. But is this enough or is love enough? And I think it’s a conversation that’s sometimes avoided, I believe. I think for me, it’s definitely been a part of my journey. And I had such joy creating this song. And now when I listen to it, it gives me such a euphoric feeling, because it’s a release. A message to be you, let go and whatever is meant to be, will be. And that’s the kind of energy that I love. And that’s why I feel like it’s just perfect for right now.
That Grape Juice: For sure. And I’ve even noticed that it’s a theme even in your earlier songs too. You’ve mentioned, on ‘These Days’ with Macklemore, and others. It’s this sadder lyric with this more upbeat production. So, it seems to be a theme amongst your records….
Jess Glynne: I love to see the hope in life. I’m a very positive person, I always have been. And I think for me, it’s like, I write very emotional records. And I have strong messages to talk about. But I think the most important thing for me is to never leave anything on a bad note.
That Grape Juice: Your new era has been described as returning to your love of songwriting, how do you think ‘What Do You Do?’ fits into that process and how did you come up with the idea?
Jess Glynne: For me, that’s a bigger question. This approach that this album has been very different in the sense of, it’s been a journey, and I’ve done it in stages. And I think every song that I have written on this record has come from a lesson or an emotion or something that I’ve been through. And I think it’s been me addressing my vulnerability, what I’ve been through and what I feel, and who I am. And I think that’s what is super important with these songs that I’m releasing and like what do you do is a stepping stone in this journey to get into the album, and I think it’s an important one for me. And the process was a joy. I worked with this guy, Chrome Sparks for the first time and this girl called Simon [Wilcox] who’s a songwriter, and we had a really inspiring day in the studio. And there’s actually footage of us in the studio having some real deep chats about it and how the song came to light which I will be releasing because I think it’s important for people to see how these songs came to light. I did it with ‘Silly Me’ as well. I believe that’s a really beautiful thing when you’re a fan of someone or a fan of a song to see that process, and how it came to light because I know when I look at artists that I’m a fan of, and I see studio footage, or these conversations that they have, and where these things have come from, it really brings me closer to the music and to the artist.
So yeah, it’s been a journey. There have been so many ups and downs and so many trials but also so many blessings. And I just feel this moment for me – like ‘What Do You Do?’- is a really big relief to share.
That Grape Juice: With the release of two new singles, what can fans expect in terms of new music this year? More singles or maybe even an album?
Jess Glynne: There’s an album coming and there’s music. It’s done, it’s here. And I wouldn’t have started releasing unless I had an album.
When I start a project or when I invest my time into making an album or whatever it is, there’s a vision, there’s a message, and a whole world of things that have to match up. I’m a very visual person. So, this process has been over a period of time. Like gradually, it’s got to this point where it’s like, okay, cool, we’ve got everything here. Now I need to add this part and this part and this part. And until I’ve got the message correct, the music correct and the vision, I don’t want to even start to think about releasing because I don’t want to get to a point where I’m releasing something and I don’t know what’s coming next or what the story is that is unfolding. It’s important for me to know that there is a story unfolding and that there is substance. And I think that’s what I love about this project and about this music that I’ve written is that there is a story to unfold. And we’re just at the beginning of it right now. And it’s just about letting it go bit by bit and opening up to the world again and being vulnerable and being honest and talking about it and letting people see me in a different light and in the light that I am today.
That Grape Juice: For sure. I’ve always appreciated when albums do that storytelling aspect throughout Joni Mitchell’s ‘Blue’ and stuff these classic albums tell the story throughout and it makes it engages the rest of the listener I think a little bit more.
Jess Glynne: Yeah, massively, like huge. She was such an influence on this process of writing. It was weird. I sometimes go through a phase where I can’t listen to music. And especially when I’m writing and I’m in the studio because I get so, I don’t know, it really affects my mental in the sense of how I approach writing and listening. But I really got a little bit lost with how I was approaching the process. And I listened to a lot of Joni Mitchell and it really got me on the straight and narrow to dive deep and story tell and not really being raw with my lyrics.
That Grape Juice: You’re working with a fresh team for this new era singing with EMI and Roc Nation, how do you think that has impacted your creativity and music?
Jess Glynne: I think it’s massively impacted me to be the best version of myself because everyone has been so supportive and so encouraging, and so excited. And it’s just this really beautiful belief network where we all want to win and we all want to create something amazing together. And I think it’s just really inspired me to be like, Yeah, let’s do this man. Let me, Yeah, show you what’s up.
That Grape Juice: And having a good label is always one of the biggest things I’ve heard from artists, especially?
Jess Glynne: Having people who know and do you know what it is, having people who are at the top of their game, but they are humble and they are quietly confident. I think it’s really, really, really special and it’s a proper talent to have that. Because there are people who have a lot of chat. And it’s like, yeah, yeah. But there is none of that. You don’t need to tell someone that you’ve done this, or you’ve done that, or you could – Like you don’t need to tell people that sometimes less is more. And I think when you’re at the top of your game, and you know what’s good and you know how to do stuff. It’s, yeah, you don’t need to talk about it like that.
That Grape Juice: But I think it even goes deeper than just being understood as a human being too and having your art understood…
Jess Glynne: To be seen and to be treasured and supported to be authentic and to be you but then for also somebody to go like, I’m obsessed with you. And I want to help you. And I want to be a part of this. And I want to give you my expertise to make this even better so that we can grow. Because there’s no literally the same. There’s no “I” in team and there’s no winning without a team. In any job, in any capacity, you have to have a team. I couldn’t do this on my own like there’s no way in hell. And it’s, I think accepting people in and good people in and being able to work together and hear each other and build together is one of the most incredible things, especially when everyone’s good and on the same page.
That Grape Juice: You have been super busy performing at all kinds of festivals – including the Capital FM Summertime Ball and Pride NYC, how does it feel to perform before crowds again?
Jess Glynne: It’s been really beautiful, actually. I’ve really loved getting on the stage again. I was really nervous and scared because it’s been such a long time. But I really, really, really have enjoyed it. It’s been such a humble experience. And I’m just excited to do more. I can’t wait to show people what’s to come. I feel that this is just the beginning of this era. And I’m just excited.
The reactions and just the support and just the way that people are like, Yeah. I’m like, yeah, come on, let’s go.
That Grape Juice: Outside of music, what can we expect from Jess Glynne in the future?
Jess Glynne: Oh, that’s a good one. What can we expect from Jess Glynne? I don’t know. Stay tuned. I only do day by day. I believe in that. I really do. Life is not like – what do they say? Life is not guaranteed. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so I take it day by day.
Your thoughts?
[Photo Credit: Jo’Lene Henry]
The post Exclusive: Jess Glynne Talks New Single ‘What Do You Do’, Upcoming Album, Signing With Roc Nation, & More appeared first on ..::That Grape Juice.net::.. - Thirsty?.